About Visit Montpellier.fr

Montpellier Tourist Office
38, rue aux Sieurs
61000 Montpellier
France (Occitanie)
+33 4 67 60 60 60

Domain registration date : 20-08-2009

The Montpellier Tourist Office
registered the domain with the national french extension .fr 20-08-2009
At that time the more prominent .com version was already registered
for 4 years (since 2005)

For the moment VisitMontpelleir.com is for sale
and VisitMontpellier.fr
is redirected to Montpellier-Tourisme.fr
registered 22-06-2004

Domain formats endig woith "-tourisme"
are less userfriendly for international tourist

Also sites with a hyphen sign "-"
are becoming user-un-friendly
as there is no direct acces to "-"
from a phone keyboard. .

74 other Visit Domains in France

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